Sunday, August 6, 2017

The Correct Aquaponic Grow Media

Which media is the correct media for my Aquaponics system? 

That is a question that is overlooked more often than not and causes heartache and pain as well as in some cases a huge cost that can really hurt your bottom line in the long run. So how do we know, without a doubt that we are choosing the correct media for our brand new Aquaponic system? There are only a few parameters that need to be followed to insure you do not get surprised with runaway PH that will cause your plants to stop up-taking nutrients from the water in your system.

So what is it in the rock we choose that makes in incompatible with our AP (Aquaponics) system? Limestone!! Limestone is that one naturally occurring mineral that we do not want our rock to have in it if we are putting it into our AP system. Many of the river rocks that we find at the big box stores or sand and gravel yards have limestone mixed in with the rock or it is actually part of the makeup of the rock. There is one way to tell for sure before you by, and that is to do a quick little test of the rock before you order a truckload and put it into your AP system.

The vinegar test. Here is a quick video that I made to demonstrate the test.

What grow media is considered to be PH neutral? Here one that many people like to use.
 GrowIt Clay Pebbles
Click here to get some!!!!

Others you can use include lava rock (scoria), river rock that is PH neutral, expanded shale and many others.
Please share this video with others to help them avoid the same pitfall. 
To test your water for everything aquaponic, we recommend this test kit. 
Click here to get one now!

Get to know the author by joining his Facebook group. True Aquaponics
Or by visiting our store by clicking this link.True Aquaponics Store!!!

Saturday, June 3, 2017

How To Dry Fresh Herbs

Many herbs are grown in Aquaponics, in our own system we grow a few types of mins, basil, curry, lavender and rosemary. Here is a link to an article that will show you how to dry your herbs properly. And don't forget, that the proper nutrition is what is needed to insure all your plants produce viable plants that are healthy for you.

Find the mineral supplements to make your plants healthy by clicking here!

View or download the PDF for drying herbs by clicking here.

Also find us in the ASC publication by clicking this link. ASC Magazine. 
Get to know the author by joining his facebook group. True Aquaponics
Or by visiting our store by clicking this link.True Aquaponics Store!!!

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Aphids in Aquaponics

It seems that the single worst pest in Aquaponics Systems is aphids. Aphids seem to show up in mass overnight and can decimate our crops almost as fast. In many cases, by the time we react, the damage is done and our crops are a loss. If you are a commercial grower, this means there may be a devastating loss of time and money in a very short period of time. Days in fact. If you are growing for your family, it means you could be weeks or even months without a meaningful harvest from your system. The issue we all face with Aquaponics is that if we try to use a standard pesticide, we not only run the huge risk of poisoning our fish but we also will poison our plants that we intend to eat. For us, that is unacceptable.
Black Aphids

One of the main reasons that are plants are attacked by aphids is due to a potassium deficiency in the plants.  Potassium is a key nutrient in plants, it gives plants the ability to move water and other nutrients throughout the plant. 
 There is one more nutrient that plants need in order to fight off pest, such as aphids. This nutrient is not considered essential yet. However, we do expect that very soon this particular element will be considered an essential n nutrient for plants. This element is known as silicate.

  There are two forms that are commonly used in agriculture, both or a mixture of potassium and silicate. We prefer to use the powdered form, primarily because it takes less space to store and has a longer shelf life than the liquid.
Orange Aphids

 We have used the nutrient supplement potassium for years, however only in the last few months have we started using potassium silicate. What we have seen so far is that when a pest attacks a plant, the plant will uptake silica and move it to the part of the plant that is being attacked. The plant will do this whether it is a pest attack or a bacterial or fungal attack.
Green Aphids

So now that we are using potassium silicate in our system water and/or our plants in a foliar spray, not only do we see fewer attacks from aphids and other pest but also fewer outbreaks of mold and mildew on our plants. When any of these do occur, the plants now have the ability to move silica to the affected area and repair the damage quickly stopping the attack in its tracks. Now are plants are staying healthy and producing viable crops quicker and longer due to just changing the one supplement from potassium sulfate to "TrueNute Potassium Silicate".
White Aphids

Another effect of using this seemingly miracle nutrient is that the plants are growing thicker stems, making them stronger and able to handle more stress before having an issue. 
Red Aphids
How do we stop an attack from "Aphids"? Simple, you have to kill them, and do so quickly. Our favorite way of killing aphids quickly is to use the dish soap "Joy"! Many want to use other dish soaps, but too many issues are reported from doing so, and the "Joy" just works. So if you catch the invasion quickly enough and kill them off, you will save your crops.
However, there is a better way! Instead of reacting to the attack, we are proactive and stop the attacks.
The way we stop the attack before it begins is by making sure our plants are healthy. (Who wants to eat unhealthy plants anyway?)

One of the nutrient supplements we use is Potassium Silicate. Silicate has yet to be listed as an essential nutrient, but we believe it will be very soon. Even if it is never listed, what silicate does for plants cannot be ignored. It is like the plants immune system. Without it, plants are open to attacks by many pest and diseases.

This form of Potassium Silicate is easy to use and handle. The dose that we like to work with is around 35 PPM in either a foliar spray or added directly to the Aquaponics system. You can also use it as a soil drench to get the same results.
Basically, after applying Potassium Silicate, you make the plants unpalatable to pest and give the plants the ability to self repair if an attack occurs, be it from a pest or disease.
Get your True Potassium Silicate by Clicking Here!!!

Get to know the author by joining his Facebook group. True Aquaponics
Or by visiting our store by clicking this link.True Aquaponics Store!!!

Worms in Aquaponics?

Really, I should put worms in my Aquaponics system. 

This is the question that so many people ask every day. The answer comes in two parts, sometimes yes and sometimes no. It depends upon what type of Aquaponics system you have.
For instance if you are using a DWC system, then most likely you will not use worms in your system. On the other hand, if you are using grow media such as lava rocks and gravel, clay balls or other approved grow media than the answer is 100% yes.

What are the worms used for?
The answer is, they break down the solids from the fish and the biomass left behind by the plants. Without the worms in time your grow media will start the clog. If your media clogs up you will start to have anaerobic zones in the grow media. These anaerobic zones are the exact opposite of what you want to have in your Aquaponics grow beds.
Another wonderful byproduct of the worms, is there worm castings left behind as they break down the solids and biomass.

Upon inspection of these worm castings, they look like dirt but they are not. The worm castings are so fine that they easily move around in the grow beds. This creates a very rich environment in the grow beds for your plants.

The next big question is which worms do I use?
Is it okay to just get worms out of the yard?
The answer is no. While these worms will work they are not very efficient at breaking down the biomass.

The best worms that we found use and Aquaponics systems, or red wigglers. While there are other worms that will work, to date, these appear to be the best for Aquaponics.
So who is a trusted supplier of Red Wigglers? Click the link below to go strait to the worm grower that we love to do business with.

Click Here to get your Red Wigglers for your Media Beds or to setup your Worm Farm!!!

Get to know the author by joining his Facebook group. True Aquaponics
Or by visiting our store by clicking this link.True Aquaponics Store!!!

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Powdery Mildew In Aquaponics

If you have every grown squash, zucchini, or cucumbers, then there is a good chance your plants have had powdery mildew on them. Many times this will get so bad so quick that the plants are a total loss.
Zucchini Plant

Once powdery mildew starts on one plant leaf, it does not take long to spread across the entire plant and to other plants. If you try to pull out the affected plants you inadvertently spread spores from the infected plants to other plants in the area.

Cucumber Plant
We have had to stand by and watch as our plants that were beautiful and full of fruit get covered with powder mildew in a matter of days. All while using sprays potions and concoctions that are suppose to stop powdery mildew in its tracks!!! But 90% of the time, we still lose the plants. 
Tomato Plant

We have even had powdery mildew on our tomato plants, And though they can handle more stress than the other plants, they to are decimated by the onslaught of powdery mildew. 

We have battled powdery mildew for as long as I can remember in Aquaponics/Hydroponics and in traditional dirt gardens of all types, and while we have had limited success, all to often we lose the plants that are affected or they are so damaged that they produce little to no viable fruit. 

How to be sure if you have powdery mildew, simple use a finger and rub the white area of the plants that are affected. If a white powder substance smears across the leaf or is on your finger, then you have it. Do not touch other plants with that finger, as you will infect them at the same time.
You can find so called remedies all over the internet that may or may not (in  most cases not) work. For us here at True Aquaponics we are now proactive. The way that we are proactive is through using the proper Aquaponics Safe nutrient supplements in our systems. Potassium silicate is one such nutrient supplement that had many positive effects on our plants.
Read below for more information on these positive attributes.

Fully water soluble True Potassium Silicate powder is perfect for Aquaponics Systems as well as plants in hydroponics and dirt.
  • Provides resistance to mineral stress.
  • Decreases climate stress.
  • Improves strength.
  • Increases growth and yield.
  • Helps plants to resist toxicity from phosphorous, manganese, aluminum and iron.
  • Increases tolerance to salt.
  • Protect the plants from botrytis (grey mold) and powdery mildew (PM).
  • Use as a foliar spray to prevent molds, bacteria's and fungi's
  • True Potassium Silicate is not a pesticide or fungicide, but when used as a foliar spray it is a wonderful pest and fungus deterrent.
All around, this is a truly great addition to your nutrient supplement set.

Ways to implement Potassium Silicate
  • Can be used Safely as PH Up!
  • Premix in water and use acid to lower the PH of the solution to where you want it to be and then add it to your system water.
  • Foliar Spray!

Get to know the author by joining his Facebook group. True Aquaponics
Or by visiting our store by clicking this link.True Aquaponics Store!!!

Article by Roger Loper

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Safe and Simple Pest Control in Aquaponics

Safe and Simple Pest Control in Aquaponics

          As the new fad becomes mainstream, farmers new and seasoned have the same issue in an Aquaponics garden. In this article we will focus on the one pest that seems to hit everyone all over the globe, summer and winter. It seems to make no difference the location of your Aquaponics System, indoors or out, this one pest is the one that at some point gets to us all at some point.
Infested Leaf
 Now understand, pest on your plants is perfectly normal, it is natures way of ridding herself of sick plants. So in short, if you have a pest issue, and I don't just mean a bug here and there but a full blown infestation, then you have sick plants. There is no doubt about it, your plants are lacking the key nutrients that help them stay healthy and fight off or at the very least, make themselves not very tasty to bugs.

Aphids infesting the bottom of a leaf.

In the above picture, they seem to be getting ready to give birth as well. The last thing we need is more of them on our plants. Quick action is needed when the infestation starts.

And speaking of them giving birth, aphids give birth to live baby aphids that are ready to eat as soon as their boots hit the plant.
Live birth of an aphid!!!
      I really don't have a clue how many young they bare per day, but it is enough to overrun a garden in no time. Once they start, fast action is a must. their are several ways to deal with the outbreak, some faster than others. Your choices are to purchase lady bugs and release them in your garden, which if you are indoors you may not want to do.The other is to use two tablespoons of the dish soap "Lemon Fresh Joy" to a gallon of water and spray the bugs.It kills on contact and is non toxic. Do not substitute other dish soaps, I can't tell you how many times I have been told that it did not work, only to find out they used the wrong soap.
     There is one way of controlling many pest including aphids that is not only easy, but it is wonderful for the overall health of your plants. Remember, most infestations happen because your plants are not getting the proper nutrients, causing mother nature to say "AH HA", send in the sick plant patrol and rid me of that plant!!!! Click on this link to view this wonderful nutrient supplement for your plants. TrueNute Potassium Silicate !!! Potassium silicate does so much more than just control pest, read below to see more. 

Fully water soluble potassium silicate power is just perfect for Aquaponics Systems.
  • Provides resistance to mineral stress.
  • Decreases climate stress.
  • Improves strength.
  • Increases growth and yield.
  • Helps plants to resist toxicity from phosphorous, manganese, aluminum and iron.
  • Increases tolerance to salt.
  • Protect the plants from botrytis (grey mold) and powdery mildew (PM).
  • Use as a foliar spray to prevent molds, bacteria's and fungi's
  • Potassium Silicate is not a pesticide but when used as a foliar spray it is a wonderful pest deterrent.
All around, this is a truly great addition to your nutrient supplement set.

Ways to implement Potassium Silicate
  • Can be used Safely as PH Up!
  • Premix in water and use acid to lower the PH of the solution to where you want it to be and then add it to your system water.
  • Foliar Spray!

Get to know the author by joining his facebook group. True Aquaponics
Or by visiting our store by clicking this link.True Aquaponics Store!!!

Article by Roger Loper