Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Powdery Mildew In Aquaponics

If you have every grown squash, zucchini, or cucumbers, then there is a good chance your plants have had powdery mildew on them. Many times this will get so bad so quick that the plants are a total loss.
Zucchini Plant

Once powdery mildew starts on one plant leaf, it does not take long to spread across the entire plant and to other plants. If you try to pull out the affected plants you inadvertently spread spores from the infected plants to other plants in the area.

Cucumber Plant
We have had to stand by and watch as our plants that were beautiful and full of fruit get covered with powder mildew in a matter of days. All while using sprays potions and concoctions that are suppose to stop powdery mildew in its tracks!!! But 90% of the time, we still lose the plants. 
Tomato Plant

We have even had powdery mildew on our tomato plants, And though they can handle more stress than the other plants, they to are decimated by the onslaught of powdery mildew. 

We have battled powdery mildew for as long as I can remember in Aquaponics/Hydroponics and in traditional dirt gardens of all types, and while we have had limited success, all to often we lose the plants that are affected or they are so damaged that they produce little to no viable fruit. 

How to be sure if you have powdery mildew, simple use a finger and rub the white area of the plants that are affected. If a white powder substance smears across the leaf or is on your finger, then you have it. Do not touch other plants with that finger, as you will infect them at the same time.
You can find so called remedies all over the internet that may or may not (in  most cases not) work. For us here at True Aquaponics we are now proactive. The way that we are proactive is through using the proper Aquaponics Safe nutrient supplements in our systems. Potassium silicate is one such nutrient supplement that had many positive effects on our plants.
Read below for more information on these positive attributes.

Fully water soluble True Potassium Silicate powder is perfect for Aquaponics Systems as well as plants in hydroponics and dirt.
  • Provides resistance to mineral stress.
  • Decreases climate stress.
  • Improves strength.
  • Increases growth and yield.
  • Helps plants to resist toxicity from phosphorous, manganese, aluminum and iron.
  • Increases tolerance to salt.
  • Protect the plants from botrytis (grey mold) and powdery mildew (PM).
  • Use as a foliar spray to prevent molds, bacteria's and fungi's
  • True Potassium Silicate is not a pesticide or fungicide, but when used as a foliar spray it is a wonderful pest and fungus deterrent.
All around, this is a truly great addition to your nutrient supplement set.

Ways to implement Potassium Silicate
  • Can be used Safely as PH Up!
  • Premix in water and use acid to lower the PH of the solution to where you want it to be and then add it to your system water.
  • Foliar Spray!

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Article by Roger Loper

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